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Wedgewood Pharmacy Leads More Action to Advocate for Access To Compounded Medication

Developed in collaboration with
Last reviewed: 12/02/2021

Wedgewood Pharmacy again took the lead in an industry-wide effort to make FDA’s Draft Guidance #256, Compounding Animal Drugs from Bulk Drug Substancesworkable for veterinarians, pet owners, and compounding pharmacies that prepare medications for animal health. Wedgewood Pharmacy provided the resources needed for the leading industry association, Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding, to submit a detailed, annotated mark-up of FDA’s proposed Guidance, showing how the Guidance might be reworked in ways that would not lead to severe restrictions on access to compounded medications, reductions in quality, new regulatory burdens on veterinary practices, and dramatically increased costs to prepare compounded medications for animal health. Read APC’s letter to FDA and the full mark-up of GFI #256 submitted to FDA.